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Unit: DXFConv


This class defines a single line of alphanumeric characters (entity TEXT).


TsgDXFText = class(TsgDXFCustomVertex)


BackwardThe property returns True if Text is backward (mirrored in X).
ExtrusionThe property sets/gets extrusion direction (default = 0, 0, 1).
FontThe property sets Font to specify the font to use for writing text.
FontNameThe property returns primary font file name.
GenerationThe property sets/gets text generation flags.
HAlignThe property displays horizontal text justification type integer codes not bit-coded.
HeightThe property specifies the height of the text in drawing units.
InsideMTextThe property returns True if the TsgDXFText class object contains multiline text.
IsEmptyThe property returns True if the TsgDXFText object doesn't contain any symbols.
IsSHXFontThe property returns True if the TsgDXFText class object contains SHX Font text.
IsUnicodeTextThe property returns True if the TsgDXFText class object contains Unicode text.
MTextThe property points to internally created the TsgDXFMText object if the text is split up to two or more parts due to special characters, such as diameter.
ObliqueAngleThe property specifies the angle of oblique of letters.
Point1The property specifies second alignment point.
RotationThe property contains angle of text rotation.
ScaleThe property specifies relative X scale factor-width (default = 1).
SHXFontThe property returns name of the SHX Font.
SHXTextThe property returns text string of SHX Font.
SHXUnicodeTextThe property returns text string of SHX Unicode Font.
StartPointThe property contains the REAL coordinates of text starting point.
StyleThe property sets/gets text style by defined in the TsgDXFStyle class object properties.
TextThe property sets or gets text string.
UnicodeTextThe property returns text string of the Unicode text.
UpsideDownThe property returns True if Text is upside down (mirrored in Y).
VAlignThe property specifies vertical text justification type (default = 0): integer codes (not bit- coded).
WinFontThe property only for texts that are parts of the MTEXT entity.
XScaleThe property returns relative X scale factor width (default = 1).
Derived from TsgDXFCustomVertexDescription
PointThe property contains coordinates of the vertex.
Derived from TsgDXFEntityDescription
BoxThe property determines the 3d box embraced the entity.
ColorThe property gets or sets entity color.
ColorCADThe property gets or sets a color for drawing entities.
ComplexThe property determines whether a entity is populated with child entities.
ConverterThe property returns the TsgDXFConverter class object.
CountThe property indicates the total number of child entities.
EntitiesThe property lists all child entities.
EntTypeThe property indicates type of an entity.
HandleThe property is used for finding entity links.
LayerThe property points to layer, containing given primitive if this layer is given.
LineTypeThe property sets and gets line type for an entity.
LineTypeScaleThe property sets and gets the Linetype scale.
LineWeightThe property sets or gets line weight in millimeters.
PaperSpaceThe property indicates Model Space and Paper Space entity segregation.
SrcEndThe property indicates end position of the entity description in the source CAD file.
SrcStartThe property indicates start position of the entity description in the source CAD file.
VisibilityThe property sets and gets entities visibility.
VisibleThe property determines whether the component appears onscreen.


AssignEntityThe method copies properties of source entity to current entity.
CreateCreates internal objects before creating this object.
DestroyFrees up internal objects before destroying this object.
DoNewTextThe method replaces the content of entity with a text specifies in ANewText parameter.
EntNameThe method the EntName returns result of the EntName function of the base class (TsgDXFEntity.EntName) and values of the Text property.
GetMatrixThe method returns a coordinate-transformation matrix.
GetSHXLinesThe method returns parameters of SHX font for the TsgDXFText object.
GetSHXLinesExThe method returns parameters of SHX font for the TsgDXFText object.
GetThicknessThe method returns entity's thickness.
SetLWeightThe method changes line weight of the entity.
SHXMatrixThe method returns a coordinate-transformation matrix.
Derived from TsgDXFEntityDescription
AddEntityThe method adds a new child entity.
CloneThe method copies properties of source entity to current entity (include Handle).
DrawThe method generates the OnDraw event.
GetBoxPointsThe method is used in drawing cycle for fast checking whether the entity must be drawn.
GetThicknessThe method returns entity's thickness.
SetLTypeThe method sets line type of the entity.


Derived from TsgDXFEntityDescription
OnDrawThe event occurs when the Draw method is called.